Two great add-ons for one great game.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 Game Add-On Pack: Broken Steel and Point Lookout PC
I got this add-on pack along with the first and this one is better. It's great and will definitely add more hours to Fallout 3's addictive gameplay.

Broken Steel extends the story of what is Fallout 3. Where what was originally the end of Fallout 3, you wake up seeing yourself in the Citadel. From there on, prepare yourself for more action because Broken Steel adds in more variety of creatures and will offer you more firepower in the palms of your hands.

Point Lookout takes you into the swamps of Maryland where you will kill crazy tribals and fight off the hillbillies that infest the whole area. Point Lookout brings more amazing content to Fallout 3 by bringing a very interesting story to the wastes.

Add-on pros and cons summary...

Broken Steel:


* Extends Fallout 3's main story, resolving what was a bad ending.

* Increases the level cap to 30 so you may have more Fallout-y fun.

* If you're looking for some new, good equipment look no further because Broken Steel has it.

* And here's a good thing that effects all of us: less bugs! Broken Steel probably has the least bugs out of all the add-ons.


* If you are really picky about the RPG aspects then this may make you a bit disappointed: broken Steel is a bit more action-y, not RPG-y. If you can handle that, then great, if you can't well...well, if you're a Fallout fan, then deal with it.

* Sadly, Broken Steel still focuses on the purified water, daddy's purifier and all the Enclave s--t hitting the fan.

Now onto Point Lookout...!

Point Lookout:


* The atmosphere is odd, spooky and Fallout-y and that's a definite good thing.

* Another addition to the atmosphere is the non-high tech Enclave stuff. It makes the atmosphere feel more believable.

* The hillbillies. 'Nuff said. (Though they are bit over-powered.)


* Quest design is a bit out of hand but it isn't that bad.

Overall, if you want the full Fallout 3 experience along with more content you should consider buying this add-on pack first.