"War, war never changes" Hopefully New Vegas follows this and doesn't change anything from this game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
I will start off to say I was never a big Fallout fan. When the Fallout 3 came out, I was reluctant to buy it as I thought that I would not like it. Boy was I wrong.
Fallout 3 occurs in the future. America has been torn apart by a nuclear war with China. People have found safety inside many scattered Vaults. Those who did not get in were left outside to fend for themselves. You are a child born in a Vault, but one day, your father mysteriously escapes. You leave as well on a quest to find your father and find a reason to his departure.
Fallouts environment is amazing to look at. Every little rock is detailed, and the characters look diverse from eachother. There are many places to visit in the game, and it should take you upwards of 100 hours to do everything possible to do.
There are a number of quests, which will all take you time to complete. The Quests are all different, and are never like the one before. Every quest nets you experience points, which help you level up to unlock new perks and become better at a certain thing. Lockpicking is very enjoyable, while to me, the hacking has never been easy (I've never had a succesful hack). The loot you earn is also very fun to use.
The guns in this game are fun to use. Using the VATS system makes it enjoyable to use the guns. They range from hunting rifles, to gatling lasers, to launchers that fire 8 mini nukes. They will all help you in your quest.
The Capital Wasteland is beautiful and it is very easy to get lost in it. Using your Pip Boy 300, you can navigate it easily and keep up with your health and radiation level, which begins to effect you sooner or later.
This game is a very addicting game that you are sure to enjoy. It is alot of fun getting lost in the wasteland, and you will always find something to do. Fallout New Vegas, here we come!