Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta!!!! Possible best add on (and the pitt) nah who am i kiddin they all good!
Then this DLC came out and every thing made sense! as soon as you aproach the ship to get the blaster you get sucked on board the mothership and get you ass probed!! That was enough for me to want all the little green criters dead! after the shock batton, and alien hand pistol was aquired it got easier then bigger weapons came!!!
From escapin and savinn people from all over time i had fun there, the one thing that gutted me was the first i went i was fully load and didn't have enough room all the weapons and epoxy, and alien meds.
Next time though i started the game and then headed straight there empty leveled up on the ship and came back to the wasteland a was a GOD a very rich God!!!!! the weapons and expoxy will make the game hella easier.
The ship missions are kinda straight forward like operation ancorage, but you can revist when ever you want the mother ship for more ammo.
This is a must have add on