This open-ended addition to Fallout 3 is also one of the best additions to Fallout 3.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3: Point Lookout PS3
If you've played through any of the other add-on contents for Fallout 3, then you know how they are. That would be the fact that they are mostly linear and rather short. However with Point Lookout, both of those flaws are widened out quite a bit.

Point Lookout takes you to an entirely new area just like the other DLCs. This time there is more exploring to do, a bigger (and better) plotline, and of course more new weapons and other goodies to get. A radio message gives the location to start Point Lookout once it has been downloaded. To get there you must take a ferry, because this a location you of course can't just walk to. It's an island off of the coast of Maryland, and by the looks of it, it is heavily based off the real world Coney Island, and there is actually a place in Maryland called Point Lookout State Park, which really explains a lot of the history of this place.

You are free to explore the ever mysterious and exotic world of Point Lookout upon your arrival there. The main story will take you all around the island, which is a good sized area to explore. Compared to the Wasteland, it's probably about one-fourth the size, which isn't too bad for one piece of add-on content. All though this new area is full of new enemies, weapons, and environments, it plays just the same as Fallout 3. The environments will range from an old run down theme park, to dark murky swamps, and views of the ocean.

The story is great while it last. There are some characters and also many moments to be remembered when playing through Point Lookout. A spooky mood definitely make Point Lookout feel so alive. There are just so many weird places and events to encounter it's almost overwhelming. However the main questline can be played through in roughly 4 hours. Completing the side quest and even the unmarked quest can add another few hours. Doing all that and exploring the island to see about everything there is to see should take at least 8 hours. That's a fair amount of time considering the $10 pricetag assuming aren't playing from the GOTY edition.

The only flaws to mention would be the typical Fallout bugs and glitches. However with this content I experienced a lot of game freezes. It got pretty bad at some points. I'm not docking the score so much for the sheer amount of freezing I encountered, because really this is a fantastic piece of add-on content and I didn't let some freezes ruin it for me.

So overall Point Lookout is definitely one of the DLCs for Fallout 3 that shouldn't be missed.