Why do i feel like i am inside my TV? Get a life or explore the Wasteland...
During my second playthrough, i am into my 70th hour and i have not even done a mere 10 % of the main story. That says a lot. I mean there so much to do, and it is not boring. I played Oblivion before i played FO3 and now i do not even want to start Oblivion. This games is way better
Well, main story is not strong, it is ok, but nowhere near perfect. What makes this game interesting is the combination of all the side missions you can do and the stories behind them. 6/10
Great graphics, occasional glitch when you switch from 3rd person to 1st and vice versa but graphics are good, especially the Wasteland. 8/10
Sound/Voice Acting
I could say i like that they chose some old-school, 50s hits and the developers kind of gave it a Bioshock feel to it. However, there is not much of variety. Listening to Radio is great idea as well, since you can listen to several different ones...7/10
Controls are good, shooting and the new VATS system are very cool and useful as well. 9/10
very long game, or at least it is as long as you want it to be. I am still playing it at the time i am writing this, so i can guarantee you that you will gladly remember the adventures that are awaiting out there. FO3 is excellent game, and with the Game of the Year Edition you can forget about your life and just live in the Wasteland...Sure, it feels like this to me at least 9.5/10