Jam-packed with content, Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition provides countless hours of open-world gameplay.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition PS3
Fallout 3 has a ton of content itself, and each piece of add-on content adds roughly 5 hours each to the overall game. So what does that mean? Well, basically it means Fallout 3 has a TON of content. Not only does it have a quantity amount of content, it has some good quality content. There are a few flaws and technical issues that keep this game from absolute perfection. But other than that Fallout 3 is a highly addictive game with tons of space to explore, many items to collect, a lot of characters to meet, and so forth.

Since I have all ready given a score to and/or reviewed Fallout 3 and all of its add-on content I'm going to provide a brief summary to each one and the link to the review if GameSpot allows me to. EDIT: Links cannot be provided. But reviews can be found on the page of the game, or under my profile.

Fallout 3 is a great enough game as it is. There's not too much more to go over with it as far is this review goes. My actual review on it is rather old, but it's still written out decently. My score for Fallout 3 is 9.5/10.

The first piece of content added to Fallout 3 was Operation Anchorage. A broadcast signal leads you to the Outcasts who need someone with a Pip-Boy to access a safe full of goodies. However the player first must go through a simulation of Operation: Anchorage, which took place in Anchorage, Alaska during the U.S. war against the Chinese, which occured just years before the Great War. The campaign is very short, but intense. The environments look great, but this being a similation you can't pick up things dropped from dead enemies. Luckily you gain access to an assortment of weaprony and armors after the simulation.
Score: 8/10 (7.8/10)

Next up is The Pitt. Another broadcast signal leads you to a runaway slave, who came from The Pitt, which of course is located in Pittsburg. The area is heavily industrialized, and the story revolves around a conflict involving slavers and the slaves who occupy the area. The environments are great, and the story is good too. You actually get to make choices in this add-on content that will somewhat affect the outcome. I was a bit disappointed after the story ended because it didn't really feel like anything was accomplished. Luckily there are a few other things to do outside of the story, so The Pitt will surely last a little longer than other ones.
Score: 7.5/10 (7.6/10)

Broken Steel truly adds to the game. It can only be played after finishing Fallout 3's main story, but it's worth waiting for. Broken Steel adds significant content to Fallout 3 as it raises the level cap from 20 to 30, which means more perks. Broken Steel also adds a few new enemies to the wasteland, and of course some fantastic new items. The added quest make the ending to Fallout 3's story much improved and really wraps up the conflict with the Enclave much better. It's full of action and even some new locations. It's easily the best of the add-on content for obvious reasons.
Score: 9/10 (No review from me available on this one)

Point Lookout also stands out from the other DLCs in terms of quality content. It takes you to a whole new area far outside of the Capital Wasteland. The area is an island that resembles real world Coney Island. Point Lookout is not completely linear, as the island is large enough for plenty of exploring inbetween quest and even after the story has been completed. The island is a very exotic and even spooky place full of hill billy swamp people and various types of ghouls. There is surprisingly a lot to do and see at Point Lookout, and that makes it a truly incredible piece of content.
Score: 9/10 (8.8/10)

The last slice of additional content for Fallout 3 is Mothership Zeta. This one leads you to the alien crash site that has always been located in the Wasteland. So surely something great will come from this. Unfortunately as cool as getting abducted by aliens and exploring a giant space ship may seem, this piece of DLC falls short of being a great experience. It isn't terrible though. There are some neat new items to play around with. The story itself may be linear, but there are a few areas on the space ship you can explore. The combat however is quite repetitive as there are only a few different extra terrestrial foes to kill, but there are a lot of them to kill. Mission objectives always include pushing buttons or pushing buttons to blow up stuff. Still, the inside (and at one part even the outside) of the mothership look great, and there are a few good moments, but overall this wasn't the best way to wrap up the add-on contents for Fallout 3.
Score: 7/10 (6.8/10)

Fallout 3 and all of this extra content will easily suck away at least 100 hours of your life especially if you love exploring. The wasteland itself has so much to explore and do. The 1950's setting and music set up a really cool atmosphere to the game. RPG and shooter fans alike should like this game. Overall I give the Game of the Year edition a 9.5 for all the content it obtains. The only flaw preventing me from giving this a 10 would again be the amount of technical issues, which especially appear in the add-on contents.

Assuming you save often it should rarely cause you to lose any content, or mess up the game. And that concludes this really long review, thanks for at least viewing it!