An alright add on, although very lacking in the open-world feel of the first.
User Rating: 6.5 | Fallout 3 - Operation: Anchorage PC
Operation Anchorage is not the best piece of DLC released for Fallout 3. It seriously lacks the amazing open-world feel of the original, walling you off with large walls they don't even try to disguise; just reminding you you're in a simulation. The ability to pick up every random piece of crap on the floor you want is removed, but luckily they've decided to highlight everything you can pick up in orange making it glow lovely wanting your attention. One of the new features introduced in Anchorage is the ability to pick a squad of people to follow you into battle. These NPCs (or Redshirts as I prefer) are useful for distracting enemy fire and hacking them off, but I was disappointed by Mr Gutsy. Ah well, there is a lot of fun to be had running around killing Chinese with a partner yelling out praises for America every couple of minutes, and I enjoyed it. There is nothing with regards to the Karma scale in Operation Anchorage, but that is probably due to the fact that you aren't faced with any of the infamous moral choices to turn you evil. The new Gauss rifle is a barrel of fun, obliterating enemies pretty quickly and assuredly. You don't get enough ammo to completely whore it in game but you get to dabble in using it when you're bored. The environment takes a refreshing change from the monotonous greys and browns of the wasteland to the stark blues and whites of Alaska. Once you've left the simulator you realise that the Brotherhood Outcasts aren't as jolly and unified as they seem, and you get to use your new tech to help quell the rebellion within the little Outcast outpost. After defeating them and stealing everything of value from them you can leave the outpost and not look back. All in all, Operation Anchorage makes for a refreshing change of scenery and gives you some new weapons, but this doesn't help the fact that it feels a lot like it's trying to be a "hail-America" shooter focused mainly on the FPS part of the FPS/RPG.