Fallout 3 is an interesting and original RPG come 3rd person cross over that despite dull landscape is hours of fun.
NPC interaction is incredible when compared to other games in the genre. The area to explore is vast and there is an abundance of things for your character to do across the wastes. What I found surprising about Fallout 3 is it has surprisingly few weapons in comparison to the previous games, but that is not to say that there aren't plenty too choose from. The game graphics are crisp and small details like Sunrises and Sunsets are well polished. I think the best thing about this game is it has opened a door way for more out of the box gaming rather than your traditional point and click rpg or 3rd person game. Unfortunately there are one or two issues that let this game down. Firstly stability can be an issue at times due to some minor game bugs. (can be fixed with patching!)
The other annoying issue I found was that once you have wandered around and completed all the quests I felt a little bit like I was playing a GTA game when you have completed all the missions. There are things to do in the game still but not with the same level of involvement and the "fun factor" does suffer a little at this point. Much of the landscape is dull and boring when traveling between locations and some gamers may simply give up after hour's upon hours of walking through the same landscape looking for a hidden location, but this is not likely to put off any of the hardcore Fallout fans.
Buy if you're a fan but if your just curious then perhaps wait for a drop in the rather high price tag.