OMG OMG OMG. Fallot 3 is here boys and girls. And it has some Game Of The Year potential. Yes, that's right GOTY potential. I wasn't really thinking of buying this game, untill Friday. I started seeing videos and the OXM review i then i said to myself "This game is going to be uber good!". Turns out this game is more then uber good. It's actually OMEGA UBER good. The sound in the game is amazing when a nuke goes off. The graphics are georgeous. The gameplay is BLOODY and fun as hell and you wont have a hard time shooting or hitting your enimies with V.A.T.S. Witch is what you use to target different body parts. And like Oblivion you can roam Washington D.C.s wasteland doing whatever you want. You can kill travelers,steal from them, or just let them pass. It's up to you in Fallout 3. You can be good, bad, or neutral. Whatever floats your boat! So Fallout 3 is a must buy game for the Xbox 360. Simple as that. You won't forget this game for years and years to come!
I don't want to rant about how great the original two games in the Fallout franchise were, but they were pretty special and when it was announced that Bethseda were bringing the Fallout franchise to a third instalment of... Read Full Review
This game made me **** my pants when i first popped it in. You don't know how excited I was to finally play this. Just like many others, I have waited a VERY long time to play this game. As a fan of the first two game... Read Full Review