Bethesda; One of the few development teams I trust with my cash, what a game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PC
Worth the hype, worth the cash, and worth your time. Normally I am scared to drop $50-$60 on a game now days. With so many crappy titles not living up to the insane hype they create before release I usually try games by pirating them first. Being a HUGE fan of Oblivion and Fallout I decided to buy the game at midnight. I have not quit playing the game yet.

Great story!
Excellent Atmosphere
Potential Mod capabilities
Replaying the game with a new experience

FPS Dips sometimes
VATs can make things a little easy sometimes
Traveling can sometimes get tedious

All-in-all if your looking for a game that you can be sure will make use of your time for a while to come. Pick up Fallout 3!

Instant classic
Highly addictive
All it's cracked up to be