Awesome game but not for everyone.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
This game is just plain awesome. If you like the action/RPG (heavier on the RPG side)genre it's a sure thing. While it does have the oblivion feel to it, the game is definetly not oblivion with guns.

I haven't finished the game but I have played enough to know that I want to. A lot of big RPG's tend to lose me halfway through the game and I never end up finishing it. Either the story gets lost or you get sidetracked by so many side quests that you forget about the story (Oblivion). This game however, has good RPG elements in it but doesn't take itself too seriously. It's fun, whimsical, and addicting.

I have the 360 version and the graphics are good. Most of the pics on the net are of the PC version which of course are going to be sharper and better. But overall I like what I see. The sound is also great and the voice acting I've seen so far has been top notch by game standards. The story is ok so far, nothing hugely exciting yet but knowing the previous games in the series, I expect that to come down the line. The quests are interesting, exciting, and worthwhile. I keep wanting more exp so I can get better at all my skills. The game keeps pulling me in to see what's next, to find more gear, to kill better and faster, and also (and this is a big one) to want to come back and play again as a different type of character so I can approach quests differently.

The biggest complaint I have is that the animation definetly has the oblivion feel. Facial expression is limited and everything moves fairly puppet like. But it's easy to overlook that unless you're nit picky. Forget about 3rd person view, it's only good to take a look at your outfit, not good to see or watch.

The map is huge and you really feel the impact of the lonely wasteland. Cities feel like a real oasis against the nuclear desolation.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes action/RPG games that isn't afraid of some level of depth to their games. I have friends who say Fable is about as complex as they want their RPG experience to be so if that's your cup of tea then this might be deeper and more complex than you like. But honestly this game is fairly middle of the road in terms of RPG complexity. It's not hardcore but it's got more customization and choices and decisions to be made than kingdom heart or fable 2. I would liken it more to Bioshock with a lot more RPG elements to it.

This is also not a run and gun FPS, you have to take your time and explore. If you couldn't care less about exploring new areas and would rather run around shooting everything, then you'll probably be dissapointed.