Bethesda is known to me for making the best break-up games...being those more than worthy titles that have you so deeply immersed that you find yourself making excuses to flake on your girlfriend or come up with a story to get you off the phone so you can keep on playing. Well...Fallout 3 has really set the bar this time. I cannot stop playing it. I have to disagree with gamespot's ps3 review giving it a lesser score though. I have played it on both consoles out of curiosity to see where these critiques pointed out the flaws but I've still failed to see any distinction between both versions. Regardless, the previous gameplay elements from the older fallout games have been incorporated well into this next-gen title. Diversity with the way you play out quests and develop your character leave endless possiblities which give this game so much replay value. The only complaints I've heard from friends are in relation to a few graphical quirks which I can easily overlook with V.A.T.S. to save the day. Well done, Bethesda. Please make expansions.
When I purchased the game on the 28th, I wasn't expecting what I received. I'm sure no one was. From the screenshots, from the trailers, and from the developer interviews, every person has different thoughts and hopes.... Read Full Review
Fallout 3 The Fallout series has originated on the PC, but now, it has come to the consoles. While hardcore fans wanted the same crazy Fallout game world, this game is more console orientated, it's more casual. That's n... Read Full Review