Game UNPLAYABLE due to BUGS, CTD's and FREEZES forcing hard reboots. Check their forum - it's a big issue

User Rating: 1 | Fallout 3 PC
Could have been a great game but the initial release not even close to beta.

Graphics are great.

Sound is fine.

Voice Acting is good too.

Storyline seems very promising.

Still, the game keeps freezing. Sometimes after 2 mins sometimes after 30. Some people have no issues at all, others can't even install the game. For some, having Alcohol 120% or deamon tools makes the game uninstallable, for others it's no issue. Sometimes the game just freezes at 100% CPU but most often the PC stops altogether and needs a hard reboot.

I'm using a new PC with sufficient RAM, above spec Graph Card and up to date drivers. So there should't be any issue on that side.

This game needs some downgrading by gamespot due to low production quality. Happened before, will happen again and the companies giving honest games a raw deal will have to learn to provide decent quality software.

I'll send my game back!