The games graphics are amazing, gunplay is satisfying but weird at times, the story is interesting, and the quests are fun. This game surpasses its ancestors and makes for a great third installment. If you have a ps3, just forgive the very minor glitches and you will love this game. Also the third person is very corny because the motion that your character walks is kind of bizarre, for example, if you are strafing or moving backwards, your person might freeze his/her legs for a second, but still, im not saying third person mode is BAD, but id suggest you stick to first person mode. VATS is wonderful without a doubt though it takes a lot of ammo to kill an enemy ( human enemies the most ). But all things considered, fallout three makes up to a very good game and obviously one of the best of 2008.
When I purchased the game on the 28th, I wasn't expecting what I received. I'm sure no one was. From the screenshots, from the trailers, and from the developer interviews, every person has different thoughts and hopes.... Read Full Review
Fallout 3 The Fallout series has originated on the PC, but now, it has come to the consoles. While hardcore fans wanted the same crazy Fallout game world, this game is more console orientated, it's more casual. That's n... Read Full Review