Oblivion with guns: Fallout 3 is a mod of Oblivion released in a horribly buggy state.
With the exception of VATS, it plays out exactly how Oblivion would, except with guns. This means the horrible AI, non-existent tactics, and anything else conjured up by thinking of Oblivion's joke-of-gameplay comes with it.
The story is horrible. I honestly can't think of a way for the story to become any stupider or hole-ridden. The Dialogue was more than likely written by a slow child with no ability to make a cohesive sentence, let alone a conversation.
The graphics are alright, but that's only because oblivion's were. This game is basically an Oblivion re-texture with 90% of it's color pallet turned gray.
The bugs are more than just a handful. There's literally a bug every step if you're unlucky enough. Constant crashes and graphical glitches mar this already poor game.
But none of this matters, considering how many morons were infatuated by Oblivion and Bethesda's fanboy's will hold out that this game 'IS TEH AWESOME' with no previous experience of the Fallout series. The perks are, for the most part, retarded, the stat system has been cheapened by stat increasing equipment laying behind the next boulder. This game is less of an RPG as it is an action game with RPG tendencies.
This game is a perfect example of a society with cheapened ans lowered standards. This game does not deserve all 10's or 9's. It deserves to be in the garbage bin.