If god were a game. (Explicit)

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
Seriously now, someone capture pure win and awesome and harvested the power into a disc form. This game is what every game should be(not really, but pretty damn close). I think we can reform Hillary Clinton and Jack Thompson with this higher power. I've beaten the game twice and this third time I'm trying to do all the missions, which is gonna take a long while considering how many places there are and how big it is(Like being in Ron Jeremy's pants). At first I told myself that V.A.T.S. is something I would never use, but it is amazingly helpful without taking the difficulty away(if you aren't on easy or below). I hope they make a trillion more sequels to keep rocking my socks. Bethesda should get some Life Time Achievement Awards, Medals of Honor, Nobel Peace Prizes, Oscars and(most importantly) like 50 dollar gift certificates to Best Buy, because they did that f'ing good.