Operation Anchorage tries to be a First Person action game. As any Fallout 3 fan knows, it's not.
User Rating: 5 | Fallout 3 - Operation: Anchorage X360
Operation Anchorage is not good. It tries to cash in on the success of the oh-so popular first person action games that crowd the market today, with bad results. The most glaring issue with this add-on is that it is combat focused. Fallout 3's combat was good, but in the context of Fallout 3. The combat feels clunky and imprecise as a first person action game. The other problem is linearity. One of Fallout 3's finest aspects is exploring a vast wasteland, and the adventures that happen along the way. Operation Anchorage takes you on a fairly straight path, with the only openness coming from a choice after the first mission; you get to choose what order to do the next three missions. And to top it off it is extremely short. it took me three hours to complete. At 800 MS points (10 USD) this is unacceptable. The only redeeming parts of this package are that you keep experience from the missions, and you get some pretty awesome equipment to keep on our travels after it's over. Overall, this is a big disappointment. if anyone, I thought Bethesda would stay true to their roots.