When i first played this game i was skeptical about it. I didnt think it was going to live up. But playing through maybe only an hour, you fall in love with the simplicity, fun, and multiple things to do that can keep you entertained for hours at a time. The graphics are great for such an opened ended game. I really enjoyed being able to become good or bad based on your decisions. Now i could say some things could be better, like the walking animation for those who are to presue third person view, and the lack of freshness in the voices and dialouge of the characters. But overall, the game is more than expected. It has many quests you can presue and with the option to set your difficulty, anyone can play with hassle of dieing every minute you see a mirelurk. This game was amazing and i played it through till there was honestly nothig left to do, so its replay value stands high, and with the release of new vegas around the corner, its a must have for anyone wanting to start the fallout experience early.
When I purchased the game on the 28th, I wasn't expecting what I received. I'm sure no one was. From the screenshots, from the trailers, and from the developer interviews, every person has different thoughts and hopes.... Read Full Review
Fallout 3 The Fallout series has originated on the PC, but now, it has come to the consoles. While hardcore fans wanted the same crazy Fallout game world, this game is more console orientated, it's more casual. That's n... Read Full Review