I know I said Dead Space for GOTY, and I do love that game, but then I got this...
User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 X360
I'll make this one short for a few reasons and I'll try to keep it basic. I know when I look for reviews I just want to know what people think. If I needed/wanted to know about the plot and how many multiplayer (if applicable) I'd just read the back of the case. With that said I'll start by saying that I knew NOTHING of the story or even that there was a 1 and 2. (Other than the 3 giving me some indication) I have a salesman where I work that had both and was all about this new one. He knew I was a gamer nerd and so he asked if I was planning on getting this along with the 9 other games I'm buying this season. (Great season BTW) I checked it out and was impressed until I found out it was an RPG. I have always been anti-RPG. Never liked having to build STRENGTH and AGILITY and all that crap. I just wanted an instant reward. So...why am I rambling on and on about co-workers and other crap that has nothing to do with this game? Like I stated previously...I just want to know what people think. With me being someone that has been so against the RPG games I would be the least likey to like this game, much less give it a perfect 10. I've given a few games perfect 10's this season and I think devs are realizing that there is some stiff competition out there so they damn well better stay in the game. Pun intended. I don't feel like going into the graphics and all that. The graphics are what you'd expect from next-gen games. I do love how EVERY SQUARE INCH of the map is accessible and explorable. The only kinda bad thing (and it's more goofy than bad) is the 3rd person view. Your character's movement is unnatural but I play in 1st person anyway so I don't ever see it. I'll conclude by saying this I've have all the COD's, Halo's, Gears 1 and pre-ordered 2, GRAW's, Rainbow 6's, Silent Hill Homecoming, Dead Space, getting World at War, and a library of about 30 other games along with these popular titles. If I could choose only two to take with me to an island this would be one of them...AND I DON'T EVEN CARE FOR RPG's! Great game. I don't even have to tell the RPG nerds out there because I'm sure they alreay got it but if you're on the fence about games this season since there are so many...you should get it. It's worth the 86 plus change I payed for the LE and then some...Have Fun!