Welcome to post-apocalyptic Washington D.C. in the year 2277. Get ready to travel the wastelands of out nation's capital

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
Ahhh, Fallout 3 what would we do without this game? It's a masterpiece overall. You play as a man who was lived in a secured "home" called Vault 101. But when your dad leaves the vault, and doesn't return, you set out to find your dad in the wasteland of Washington D.C. You carry a item on your wrist which is called the PipBoy 3000. This is where you level up and pick perks that'll either help you in some ways or turn you evil. Like the Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion game, this is an open world Role-Playing-Game. But let me say this first: Fallout 3 is not Oblivion with guns. It is totally different. Fallout 3 is more dark, intense, and most of all, intense. Which brings me to my classification. It is "guilty pleasure". You can either be good and save men and women who live in the outside world or be evil and end their lost miseries. You kill the creatures and help the men and women, you are neutral. Now the fighting system is where Fallout 3 is at it's hype. You can use something called VATS. What this does is pause time and choose which body parts you want to shoot at and then watch the gory scene take place. Now you have to kill the creatures normally to build up your VATS meter to use it. You can either play in first person or third person. To me, first person is the way to go. Fallout 3 also comes with a variety of weapons. From pistols to semi-nuclear bomb launchers, it keeps the intensity of the game flowing. You can also create you own weapons by finding materials when you are walking around. So let's recap:

GOOD: Story is fantastic, great weaponry, top notch 360 graphics, VATS makes you feel superior.

BAD: Third person is a little clunky.

With all of the new games coming out this holiday season, Fallout 3 is a must buy. Now since the rankings only go up .5 points each, this is not a 9.5. Fallout 3 deserves, and receives, a 9.8 out of 10.