You've seen one head explode, you've seen them all. Just gets boring after awhile...IMO.
I think Bethesda tried a little too hard to please all the people, like all developers I guess. Ain't a bad game, just not my cup of tea. Was hoping for more realism. Oh well.
I wish someone would do a game based on the book, Swan Song, with drama, sex, and violence, to the max! That's what I want! For adults! I'm getting tired of playing these games for kids. They have enough games, make us adults one!
Everything else about the game is good though, graphics voice acting, sound. Perfect! Give it a go after you get bored of Oblivion.
All these vehicles around the world, and you cant even get in them. would have been cool as hell if you could fix them, and drive 'em. Mount a gun on the hood. and put a hula girl on the dash... Could have been so much more then just old Fallout 2, with lipstick!