Simply Stunned!

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 PC
I was very sceptic about Bethesda taking on the legendary game series Fallout but when I Finally got my hands on a copy ( yes I bought it )I was simply stunned over how fast I Got that fallout feeling I craved after Fallout 2
" I Didn't play tactics "

To make this simple I will point up the positives and negatives which stands out more than others.

* The VATS system : Is amazing, choose the bodypart you think you'll benefit the most from damaging and then sit back and watch the show as a short cinematic shows you how youre attack was executed. This also mixes the fallout combat system with the "oblivion" combat system. THis is of course influenced by your stats and skills as the rest of the combat system which brings a bit of reality to it.
5/5 Bethesda!

* The enviiiroment, you have to see it to believe it. And if you dont like it you're probably blind.

* Survivability: THis actually makes this game a challenge, you need ammo! and lots of it. And ammo is hard to find so you need to buy most of it which means you need alot of cash. You also lose alot of hp fast from enemies, and you cant as in Oblivion just use the "T" button to rest and then get full hp. Hp is only obtained through food, beds or stimpaks /meds.

The Negatives.
* Where's the enclave SPOILER WARNING SPOILER WARNING? Compared to the other fallout games you don't encounter the enclave alot until end game and you dont "really" get to join them either which makes me very sad since they are like the most badass characters there is in any game.

* More villages! : I would like for bethesda to make more villages than they did in this game but I guess thats a part of the game, the world being more of a wasteland than it was before in fallout 1-2.

I could write about this game for hours, but if you like fallout 1-2, BUY IT, DONT DOWNLOAD. Support Bethesda to make another kick ass expansion.

THis game deserves a 9/10