There was alot of great things going for this game and they put them all into place perfectly, theres just one big flaw.
There was just one major flaw that hopefully a mod can fix, you can't keep playing after the game is beaten, it's understandable and theres ways to make it so you still get the achievment and keep playing after you've beaten it. All you have to do is save before you go into the last door and beat it then load the game back and continue to play.
But away from the flaws lets go to the good in the game, now gore was a little overdone and thats just the way i like it, heads popping off, limbs and other things.
The humor in the game is down right funny, like the options for the G.O.A.T test were just hilarious like the one where they gave you the option to put the firecracker in the toilet.
The guns were awesome in this game, mini nukes that really do make mushroom clouds and little 10mm pistols, they just make the guns so cool. Lets not forget about V.A.T.S, it is just the icing on the cake, you can watch the bullet go from your rifle into the enemies head and watch those heads roll.