Best Fallout to date!

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PS3
I have been a huge Fallout fan since the first one came out. I was unsure after the announcement of the first person perspective, making it sound more like another shooter than being true to the feel of Fallout. I was very pleasantly surprised that not only did it not turn out to be another shooter as expected, but it far surpassed anything I had hoped for. Control is very easy to use even in the heat of battle and the VATS combat system works very well, the videos don't even do it justice. The feel of the game is immersive and gives a real feel of being there. While the main quest is rather short, there are so many optional side quests that if you choose to actually play in the Fallout universe rather than just finish the game you can have many hours of enjoyment in a single game. There are a few bugs, some rather substantial but mostly annoying rather then something that would destroy the experience. Visual effects are amazing and really give the post apocalyptic atmosphere. The ending of the game is rather poor and doesn't fit with the rest of the game, details I won't include as to not create spoilers. In short the ending just doesn't make sense when taken the rest of the game into account and gives the impression that they ran out of time and just wrapped it up quickly rather than making a real ending. Apart from a patch to fix the bugs, the only thing to make it better would be an SDK for it so we can get some serious mods and maybe get to play Fallout 1 and 2 with this engine :)