Awesome game with a few caveats, DO NOT do final mission until you are completely ready.
The main story is a big short. The other side missions make up for it, but I can't help but feel like the story ending closes the possibilities for expansions and/or downloadable content.
Also, although I've never lived in a post-nuclear wasteland, a little more variety on the terrain would be nice. walking out of the vault hits you like a ton of bricks but after you see one train wreck, you've seen em all.
That being said, the missions are a million times better and more layered than Oblivion with optional components. The VAT kicks serious ass. I want a PIP boy. I would've loved a couple more 40's tunes on the radio, that was a nice touch. Definite replay value playing as the opposite type of character you previously played. Voice acting and variety of voices is a huge improvement to Oblivion.
Awesome game overall.