Why not?

User Rating: 6 | Fallout 3 PS3
Why not? That sums up most everything about Fallout 3. Why not have more ammo than a third world nation lying 200 years after the war. Why not have things still not scavenged 200 years after the war. Why not have an atypical post apocalyptic society that seems able to rebuild itself but just doesn't. While it is a technically proficient game (with more bugs than I've seen in a big ticket game in a long time), the game lacks any real power and depth. The most poignant moments come almost in passing when you discover the remains of people or journals from the start of the war. Beyond that, I'm not moved to care about anything or anyone here. I find it funny that I can repair things while getting shot at. I find the combat system sorely lacking. I find gameplay boring. I find the gameplay boring. I find the gameplay boring. It's also repetitive in case you didn't catch that. A lack of unique enemies makes trudging around the map or doing many quests so tedious they let you "discover" all the map locations as a perk to prevent you from having to trek all around the boring and repetitive lands fighting the same freaking enemies over and over again. Seriously. There's like 8 enemies. (Raiders, Ghouls, Mutants, Dogs, Yao Gui, Bloatfly, Scorpions, rampaging robots) That's it. Over and Over again. With a bad combat system. And why the heck do the robots look like lost in space rejects? Seriously? Maybe we nuked our planet because society was doing retro 50s style sci fi retro look as a worldwide design idea. Maybe we just couldn't take it anymore.

When it's dark it's too dark. When it's bright it's too bright. I find it hard to see if it isn't certain hours of the day. It's the blandest color scheme since GoW. The repetitive radio broadcasts get way too repetitive. And why are they using radio? 2277 and we didn't figure out how to rebroadcast TV? WTF? No one can figure out the wheel? There's no vehicle I've seen. Not even a a drawn wagon. Not even a freaking rickshaw. No one, in the waning days of society, could figure out a cart with handles that you pay a ghoul to pull? Really?

Taking into consideration the technological improvements that must get discovered between 2008 and 2077 (think about 1938 til now), they seem completely non-existent in the game. The whole point of sci-fi is to fantasize about that stuff. But Fallout 3 might as well have happened tomorrow, save the robots and the energy weapons. And the horrible retro 50s sci fi retro design.

All in all, Someone made Oblivion very brown and sent it to a bad 50s sci fi movie that should be on MST3K.

To be fair, at least they got rid of the horrid wanted system from Oblivion where the whole world somehow knows your a thief if you get caught picking some guy's pocket in the middle of the woods.