Just buy it already!
User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
Alright it is near impossible to sum up all of why this game is great. I'm not really sure where to begin. Did you like Elder Scrolls 3 or 4? If yes then you should read no further and just go get Fallout 3. To everyone else it may take some convincing. If an incredibly deep game with tons of options, quests, sidequests and solutions to problems set in an amazing post-apocolyptic Washington DC sounds like your cup of tea then by all means read no more and again, get this game. From character creation to ability customization, weapon customization, problem solving, exploration and character interaction this thing is deep. There's nothing quite like taking on a mission you previously failed, or even failed an optional part of, in a completely new way or with a new arsenal. Which brings up the combat. The ability to run and gun, while carefully weighing your AP for precise shots and even incorporating stealth keeps things interesting even at your 500th shoot out. Strategically targeting body parts to cripple your foes helps take some of the heat off in sticky situations. Although i found that generally letting enemies get a little closer and just using head shots was the most effective strategy. And the thrill of beheading foes never gets old. Neither does the fact that you can do so with pretty much everybody. You'll likely often find yourself saving your game just so you can kill that townsperson that was a total jerk to you and just reload afterward. The thrill of watching their smug head roll in slo-motion is always fun. Getting the mess blasted outta you by the towns guards isn't though. Hence the reload. And much like I just rambled on about unimportant parts of the game, so too will you find yourself constantly wandering off the quest path you're on just to check something or other out. Be it an abandoned schoolhouse, or just the wreckage of some park, it's easy to forget about the family you're supposed to be saving from slavers because something caught your eye. There is much more I could tell you of this game, but I'd rather get back to it to play through again. I just know there's dozens of things I missed or can do differently. Buy it. Play it. You'll see what I mean.