The game is about exploring/making your own fun but the short story attached has some coolness and should not be missed.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 X360
I completed this game yesterday after playing it for well over 100 hours. It was much more fun then I thought it would be and the graphics were nicer then I thought they would be. Still the world was a bit on the oppressively hopeless side (as it was supposed to be given the setting) and because of that I can't really say its one of my favorite games, nor can I say I am awaiting the sequel…though I may pick up the DLC.

Graphics: Better then I expected. Though the blood was a bit over the top, it wasn't as bad as the videos. Its not that I don't like blood, I loved Gears 2 and you are swimming in blood in that game… it's the over the top all limbs popping off on a head shot that I didn't like from the videos. Apparently thought that only happens if you have the bloody mess perk, which seemed kind of like a useless perk to me. Mostly when I blew all the limbs off of someone it was because my guy was an explosives expert. Plus a "sniper" so I was good with making heads explodes too… I was fine with both of those. Oh, got off track there. Graphics were fine, bleak, nothing to look at but much of what was there looked appropriate and seemed fairly unique (except in vaults).

Sound Voice: I thought all the voice actors did a good job. Nothing really glaringly bad like some of the choices for voices in Oblivion.

Sound Music: Well, depends on if you have the radio on or off and what channel. The radio stuff seemed appropriate for 1950s gone bad which I think was the point. With the radio off, it sounded like the retread Oblivion stuff, which I wasn't really all that fond of to start with, so I will take off points for this. Nothing REALLY annoying, but they could have gotten some different ambient music other then the oblivion stuff.

Gameplay. I thought the VATS worked really well. I liked that gameplay a lot. I liked the leveling system. I thought the world seemed quite big with lots to explore and lots of unique items to find. Playing outside of VATS did not work so well but was mostly unnecessary.

Story: The main story is quite short. I am not quite sure how short but I remember only thinking I was 3 or so missions in before I started wandering around the "Waste" doing side quest and random encounters (note there are some cool side quest and random encounters). When I decided to get back to the main quest, it seemed like I only did 3-4 more missions. None were very long and the ones near the end seemed to "push you" along to completion. Which is not a bad thing, those were some of the cooler missions in the game and a sense of urgency was part of it. Unfortunately, once you finish the game, it ends so you cannot explore afterward. I reloaded from a prior save and finished some more side missions with my new follower…which in itself made being a good person worth it. I can't say I am fond of the type of "multiple ending" they implemented but it's a small matter.

Conclusion: I would recommend this game even at full price, but with a caveat. If you like this type of game, if you can wander around and look for your own fun, I think you will definitely get your moneys worth out of this game. If you are a linear gameplayer and only want to play the main-story you may want to wait till the game gets cheap.