Fallout 3 grabs you by the balls and only tightens its grip, until the end.
Ranged combat is fun, with you just mindlessly spewing out bullets in real time mode, or slowing things down with V.A.T.S and watching the enemy fly apart in many different camera angles. Once you get the gatling laser or the minigun and your stood there in power armour the camera shows you as a true badass with bullets spewing out ripping enemies apart. Melee combat isn't the greatest in real time, but enter V.A.T.S you get some very satisfying strikes, and if you're using a baseball bat it's common knowledge you have to yell "strike!!" or "home run".
Throughout the game you constantly meet people, but you can have some people following you, chiming in but most importantly helping you if you're attacked. There is Jericho, who is a former mercenary (I think) and all around badass. Star Paladin Cross is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel who hates evil-doers. Two of my favourite followers are Fawkes, an intelligent super mutant who goes mental with his gatling laser, and Dogmeat, out little pooch friend from the previous one.
I do have some major grievances with this game though. You seem to get addicted to chems (the games version of drugs) so easily that it takes the micky. Also, while your followers are helpful, they can get in the way in combat, or most annoyingly they can just stand in a doorway completely blocking you off, which is infuriating. Also, I have gotten to the point in the game where all the enemies I kill drop boring weapons that just make me think "oh boy, another gang of raiders, or super mutants, I wonder what weapons they will drop"? The saving grace of all this though, in my opinion has to be Wadsworth, the robotic manservant you get in your house. He tells you jokes, mumbles about his work and gives you free drinks.
All in all, Fallout 3 is an amazing game that will have you playing it for hours once you get hooked in, despite some minor annoyances.