I really didn't think Fallout 3 would come out great, but it did, it really did.
Like stated, I didn't give this game a thought during the development, I even forgot about it for a year or so, until a few weeks back. The moment I layed my eyes upon this game I became addicted, addicted like I was addicted to the great Fallout and the other great one Fallout 2.
The beginning of the game is awsome, it's a fun and new way to create your character, and it brings more life to your character as well in my opinion. And the first moment the sun hits you in the eyes when you see the outside for the first time, just beautiful. The world of Fallout has been brought back to life once again, and it feels just right. Bethesda did I great job on this one, it feels like they really gave it their best shot, and they succedded as well.
The story of this game, without revealing anything, is good, maybe not so good that it is great, but still. The main problem with it is that it is a bit too short, even though this is a sandbox game, it could have been a bit longer and not feel so rushed.
The story aside, the world is what is great about Fallout, as it has always been. The main story is just there for you to be able to "complete the game", but you really haven't "completed" the game without having been to all the places in the world and slaughtered mutants, raiders, slavers, slaves, ghouls, innocents and ofcourse rad scorpions.
Let me just say that the game is huge. There's tons of things to do and tons of places to discover and explore. I've played for over hundred hours and I haven't explored more then 30-40% of the map yet.
Now, a Fallout game wouldn't be any fun without a cool combat system now, would it. Look no further cause Fallout 3 has got one of the most satisfying and fun combat systems I have ever seen. It might not be the greatest FPS experience and all that, but the combination of the turn-based-like V.A.T.S. system pwns the hell outta any other FPS I have played. There's nothing more satisfying then blowing the head, an arm, a leg or hell, choose the bloody mess perk and blow it all away, right on!
I don't know much about reviewing games and what to look at etc, but I think that anyone who likes FPS and RPG games would be able to enjoy this game a whole lot. Bottom line, this game is just great. It's fun killing things, it's a rich and hazardous world and you've always got places to go.
Hope you try it out, and hopefully you will like it.