This Game was Good, could have been Great
1. Leveling up happens to quickly. I go to the last level of 20 before I was even close to completing the main quest and had not finished all of the side quests. When in an RPG you get to the point where you can no longer level up the game instantly becomes pointless for me. I just hurried up and finished the story. The solution is to either allow the chrarachter to level up as high as they can or make it so you dont level up as quickly. you should be just finishing up your last levels just before the final mission begin.
2. there are a ton of locations on the map but the story and side quests dont take you there and it becomes pointless to travel the map once you have reached level 20. their needed to be more missions
3. Some items were pointless and some interactions were pointless. Grenades, mines, nuke missiles, all kinda pointless. you can and i did beat the game with a sniper rifle and shotgun. thats all you need.
Other than the leveling up problem and improper utilization of such a large map the game was good. fix the problems I stated and the game would have been great, not oblivion great but great. Hopefully there will be expansion packs.