Oblivion rip off legal or not that offers a way to play the before mentioned game with a different story.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 X360
You will find that some of the most enjoyable gameplay comes from a lot of browsing to find out sidequests that for some reason are hidden and can be easily missunderstood. It feels incomplete on many ways but it still kept me entertain for an exagerated amount of hours (about 40). get ready to use manuals and postings in order to troubleshoot the many glitches that attempt to steal the satisfaction of victory away from you. The shoting system is complitely annoying, its a console style gameplay that has no business on a PC platform unless you are a girl.

Well I actually had to do a lot of console work in order to finish this game. It is broken with glitches that will not let you finish it. For some reason people assume that we have the time to restart the game and lose 4 or 6 hours of gameplay when the gmae glitches and a door wont open in order to finish a quest. Other quests need console work to revive MPC's that just never show up. But there is a lot of fun to have with the sort of open gameplay. The multiple ending is a myth at best. You just get a semi different dialogue at the end very unworthy and unsitisfying after such a prolonged and thorough character development from the side of the user. A lot of things could have been done better. But hey a game needs to be release to make money on time. It boils down to that money.

------------- Dictated but not read. I get nothing but grief from so call admins from voicing my opion. --

Disclaimer: Gamespot is a website dedicated to minors therefore you can not make adult reviews on adult games. I have been punished several times by deleting badges or posts because of expressing my true feelings about certaint titles that should have simply never been release. THEREFORE EVERYTHING YOU READ OF ME IS BIASED AND TONED DOWN TO SATISFY THE BEHIND KISSING NEEDED TO SATISFY THE GAMING COMPANIES THAT SPONSOR THIS SITE. Sorry i can only give you water down opinions but free speech is dead in the U.S. internet as well.