Fallout simply one of the best games in the year better than The witcher even Oblivion

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PC
when you simply want to play RPG game mixed with a FPS game you have to play Fallout 3 this game is aswome i droped GTA IV Prince of persia and Far cry 2 to play this game it's endless and the graphics is great with great sounds and the acting is terrifiic Shooting is not boring thanks to The V.A.T.S. System man this is awsome this game is must buy even if you don't like RPG games I playde Oblivion and it's quiet Boring but Fallout 3 has a great story ever but it has a few glithces crashes and focus in little because i just had one crash in my pc and to be honest until now i diddn't beaten the game yet i fisnished the storyline but i still alot of loacation to finsish and complate you can have a friend like The dog and the super mautant i can't remember his name Which you can kill him or not so this game deserve 9.5 and i can't wait for the DLC