Quite possibly the perfect rpg. Deserves all the praise it is given.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition X360
I was hooked on Fallout 3 almost immediately. Within minutes even. This game is perhaps the best RPG I have ever played. It has everything you want and need in an RPG; a storyline worth playing, game play that isn't overly frustrating, and a great setting. It captures the player, and keeps you interested throughout the entire game.

The storyline for Fallout 3 is one of the best in any game I have played. It has the one gripping main quest, with interesting side missions which keep the game going on strong. The only problem I found was that eventually the missions seemed to dry up and I thought I was coming close to finishing up the side missions. I then went online and found that I was only half through the side missions, to my surprise. This is my only fault with the storyline and missions; you have to actively seek them out. I feel that in an RPG, there should always be something on your list of things to do, but I truly had to find missions rather than them flowing into one another, as they do in other RPGs. This would be the only reason why I did not give Fallout 3 G.O.T.Y a perfect 10.

The game play in Fallout 3 is, in my opinion, the best I have used in an RPG. The learning curve is a good length, and it is easy enough to get a hold of all of the extra features the game gives you. My favourite part of Fallout 3's game play would most likely be V.A.T.S. I think that it is the smartest feature of the game. If you have played Oblivion, you will know the frustration of trying to aim any kind of magic or ranged attack, but with V.A.T.S you are able to make the use of all non melee weapons far easier and far more strategic. The game play for Fallout 3 is second to no other rpg game.

The setting of Fallout 3 is one of my all time favourites. Post apocalyptic D.C is a genius setting. The underground metro tunnels, the realistic animation and changes to the landscapes, and the real life monuments are awesome. I love that the player can connect to the game by looking at the real world monuments, visit them, and check out the incredible accuracy of the places they have been. The setting of this game is incredible, and has been made very accurately. Also, the graphics in Fallout 3 are very impressive for the size of the game, and for the amount of action in the game.

And finally, the G.O.T.Y add ons are really great. They are all fun to play, and add in awesome new items and perks to the game, along with great storylines to match the rest of the game.

So overall, Fallout 3 G.O.T.Y edition is a near perfect game, and I highly recommend it for any gamer who enjoys a great RPG.