Very satisfying- 1st review ever so tell me what ya think

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 X360
As I read previews and looked through forums and such, I believed this game to be another oblivion, a game I would play the hell till the end and put it back on my shelf and never pick it up again...good thing I was wrong. This game is very fresh at every turn and I never expect whats lurking around the corner. Unlike Oblivions repetitive caves and fortresses, a been there done that feeling, Fallout brings out a new and fresh feel, even though you see the same pattern of destructive buildings you just have to go in to see whats there, whereas Oblivion I knew what enemies and loot were probably in store for me in there.

Story: Haven't played much yet so I can't comment on this section much.

Gameplay: Excellent, the V.A.T.S. system always keeps me entertained blowing limbs and such off. Gamespot tackles a tiny problem as far as shooting goes, non V.A.T.S. mode as you could call it, but I found it not as bad as what people say, sure its a poor hit/miss problem but I found I could normally kill my enemies pretty fast regardless, so don't let that throw you off. The Pip Boy display is easy to navigate through and everything is a breeze as far as Pip Boy navigations go. Everything fits in perfectly.

Graphics: This should cover all graphical aspects of the game.
Landscape: good
Weapons: good
People and Enemies: Great
Water: Great
Buildings: Great
Overall: pretty damn good
One more comment on can make your own weapons with the right blueprints, and whats cool to me is that when you gather the parts to make them you can see where all your parts came together.

Music and Dialogue: Dialogue is fantastic, the bad thing is the characters dont move according to the emotion they feel through the sound of their voice. That's it. Music is good. I love the 50's music and it saves me the hassle of looking through my music on my 360 and Enclave radio and Galaxy News make me feel apart of the game. Selecting good or bad dialogue is cool and calling a Ghoul a zombie is just plain funny.

Content: To much! Content is amazing, and very fun to play. Outside the main story there are side quests aplenty and gathering rare items, bobbleheads, kiling Behemoths, collecting blueprints, whatever it is its very deep.

Replay Value: High. I found that this game really has a neat evil/good system, which is why is give this game High for replay. You can select good dialogue and do good things or be bad and say bad things and everything inbetween. Character creation helps even more by allowing you to pick perks and such every few levels. Which gives you the motive to play again and try out new perks.

Overall this game is very fun and fresh. Whether I'm eating dead remains with my cannibal perk or listening to my butler robot telling me a funny joke, I have fun. This game is great and highly recommend it.