It deserves more credit.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 PS3
I read gamespot review and was nervous that these "marked anti-aliasing" would get in the way.
DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT! There are some graphical hic-ups, sure. But nothing to distract you from the big picture. When I first so the fallout environment after I left the vault the last thing I noticed was any bad graphics. The detail and sheer size of the environment will take your breath away. The latest update adds trophy support and fixes the messaging bugs. The combat system (VATS) is straightforward and fun to watch, but one of the downside is non assisted targeting (free aim) is difficult and awkward. The dialogue options are funny, and the quests will sure to take you many hours. One pleasant surprise I noticed was that it requires about 4.6 GB of HD space, but instead of doing a mandatory install, it slowing installs the data as you discover more area, which was a welcomed treat. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of being the jaw dropping game!