Two perfect add-ons for one of the best RPGs of the last years
First, the level 20 is a little too bit for a game that guarantees hours and hours and hours of playing. Broken Steel (from this point on I'll call it BS) raise the limit to 30, which is correct in my opinion, adding at the same time some amazing and very funny perks (everybody should try Nuclear Anomaly, just once, in their life), that awesome laser-cannon thing that reduces vertibirds to dust, new enemies and other very nice stuff. But the best thing in this add-on is..... TOTALLY SPOILER AHEAD!
... that allows you to continue the game after the final mission, when -in the original game- you miserably die in radioactive pain. That sucked!
The new missions are very nice (I felt bad for Liberty Prime!), except for the last one that is simply awesome. That mission remembered me a bit Halo or Halo 2, basically for the coolness of the heavy-laser-weapon and the large open spaces.
VOTE: 10
Point Lookout is probably my favourite add-on. This new area is incredibly, totally, extremely awesome. It has a creepy-sinister look, it's full of mad (but interesting), well it simply rocks. I love that swamp. This add-on is also long enough to be satisfying without being annoying.
The "main-quest" ruled, and the side-quests are also excellent -at the same level of the ones of the original game-. So, excellent quests, amazing setting, a wonderful story, some cool new weapons... yay!
Concluding, i suggest to EVERY Fallout 3 possessor to buy this pack. It could not be better than this.