There are very few games worth the price of the current consoles. But Fallout 3 is one of them.

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 PS3
An addictive game that is very easy to get lost in, Fallout 3 is one of those games that you tell your freinds and family about, even if they're not into the whole 'video game thing'. In my opinion, it features great gameplay that any shooter fan will love. Whether you like fast paced Bruce-Willis style gunfights, Sneak Attack sniping, or one on one battles, Fallout 3 has a bit of everything. One of the best features of Fallout 3 is that it features a very in-depth story that you can completely control. From small things such as pickpocketing a merchant or stealing from a cashbox, to monumental life changing events such as (WARNING: SPOILER) blowing up an entire town. Anything and everything you do can change the story.

There is a very somber, almost lost feeling to Fallout 3 which is reflected everywhere you travel. Abandoned towns filled with nothing but scrap and rubble sit gloomily over mutant infested shanty villages. Broken highway segments loom over giant piles of rock and abandoned power lines. Gloomy caves lay close by destroyed billboards and mile-long traffic pile-ups. Everywhere you visist has a very macabre feeling to it that is hard to ignore.

But Fallout 3 is not just some sad ghost town story, it is an apocalyptic wasteland and nearly everything you meet out there wants to kill you, and the enemies in Fallout 3 are as varied as they are vicious. From (WARNING: SPOILER) gigantic mutant scorpions and bugs, to insane radiated humans and dogs, to even stranger creatures such as the terrifying Deathclaw, Fallout 3 boasts many dangerous foes.

And with so many foes out there, your going to need weapons... which are in plentiful supply. Your arsenal is almost as varied as the people you meet. With traditional weapons such as a pistol, a machine gun and a rifle, to more exotic weapons such as (WARNING: SPOILER) plasma rifles, laser pistols and desintegrators. Every weapon is fun to use and the combat is always gory, no matter what your using. Combat is made even more fun by the unique V.A.T.S targeting system which allows you to pause time and take careful aim at any part of your foes body.

Whether you like a good story, a good shooter, or just want something new to try, Fallout 3 is definately worth looking into.