Wow! What a game!

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 PC
This was an easy game, but one heck of an experience! I was sad when it ended. I may play it again. The key factor in this game is freedom. Freedom to roam where you want to go and freedom to be who you want to be. You can be good, semi-good, semi-evil or just pain evil. Your choices in the game change how things unfold. I'm looking forward to any expansions to the game if any, but I'm really looking forward to whatever this team is making for the future. This team made Oblivion and this game. Both are benchmarks in RPG's. I wish other programmers would play these games and try to beat them instead of churning out the dumb boring turn based stuff we keep seeing. Unfortunately someone keeps purchasing that poop and fueling the flames. There are quirks in the game that get annoying that other reviews have pointed out, but the overall game was great! After I finished Fallout 3 I started Far Cry 2. Not even in the same class. By the way, they should have named Far Cry 2 something else because it has nothing to do with the first Far Cry. Random thought...if one of the gaming companies could blend the action in Gears of War with Fallout 3's or Oblivion's eye for details, we would have the future of gaming. Maybe throw in a little of BioShock in as well for good measure. I'm sorry. It's probably too much to ask. I would be happy with a Thief 4 instead of another Tomb Raider. Big hint to the corporate machine out there. (Am I the only one wanting another Thief game?) Everyone else...Have fun gaming out there no matter what game you play! This is 3 dog Awooooo!!!! Signing off!!!