If you haven't played this game you might as well stop playing console games!

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PS3
Bethesda , what can I say. "Spectacular!" You made me believe in Freedom once more. In a previous preview I ranted about gaming companies leading the common gamer like yester years packman creators did . down this isle ...no that isle.... Look not to step on any ones toes packman was the best ever game , THAT TIME. Times has changed though. Any way before I get carried away again.... Bethesda created Oblivion which was a game in a different league , what was nice is that 95% of oblivion was used in Fallout3, it just looked different. Swords replaced guns and arrows an abundance of ammo. A few extra things were added though. I do not wanna go into more detail because it could spoil the magnificent magnitude of this superior game.
Bethesda rock , they did an excellent job the programmers had a few problems which made the game glitch and freeze at times, but the effort that is clearly noticeable over ride the few hick ups. Well done !
Now the downside of the game , Why I do not score it a perfect 10 is as follows.
Number 1 :
The game sometimes gets very lonely and systematic. The run and gun get a little boring. The transportation system is very limited. At least in oblivion you could ride a horse. Fallout3 make you walk endless roads.
Number 2:
The game glitches when you save , making it impossible to load the save game again.
Number 3: When talking to someone the world seem to stand still.
Number 4: The game is very basic although it is very large gaming area. ( Bethesda leave a lot of room for improvement )
Number 5: Multiplayer? Where?

All in all . You must buy this game it you can play it after 3 years again and you will find something new.
The game is made for the explorer type gamers.
This is for sure one of the greatest games ever.