One of the funnest and most addictive games you could ever play

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
The game fallout 3 has a little bit of everything there is some mystery in the back story, plenty of action while you explore and that sort of feeling that other people could be playing with you.

i love the way that every choice you make and move you make has some sort of effect on you... well not every but most. like if you kill a person lose karma then you lose chances to do things or people will treat you different that goes the same if you gain lots of karma.

There is also a wide variety of creatures to fight in the wastes. From the simple rad roach to the super mutant behemoth. the game will always be sending new things your way.

The game also a wide variety of weaponry. you could use an assault rifle or something a little more fun like the rail way rifle that can shoot railway spikes and pin enemies to the environment. The story takes some turns that may surprise some people like when the guy tells you ........ exactly.

well all in all the game is amazing