I don't think this is the best game, but it comes very close.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PS3
I don't own this game but my brother in law who lives with me does and I've seen him play it and it is pretty hard and really long. The story in this game is one of the best stories in a video game ever. Once outside Vault 101 which you are born in, you go out into a beautiful looking, awesome looking, post-apocalyptic wasteland in the best environment, for me, in a video game ever. The game play in this game is different and very unique because you have to freeze time most of the time using the V.A.T.S. system when facing an enemy or you will probably get killed and i think slowing down the action and choosing where to hit them and what to hit them with makes the game play very unique and brings something new to the table of gaming. Fallout 3 also has a very, very, very HUGE amount of weapons to choose from and make. This game also does not have any multi-player. Anyways, overall i gave this game a 9.5 out of 10 and it is very good and is one of the best games of all time almost taking out my favorite game of all time Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, but not quite. I think The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion may have been a better style and maybe had better game play then this game but this game brought different stuff and even thought the Oblivion environment was very good, this one just took it over in that category and a better story, so it is close on the debate of which one is better. I think you should buy this game if you are into RPG games and if you want to try out something new that is away from the other world of gaming. I don't think this is the best game, but it is a really good RPG game that comes very close.