A very well made videogame.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 PS3
Story: After you create your character, you are "born" into Vault 101, and the vault serves as a geenral tutorial of how you play the game. After about an hour you are pitted out into the Capital Wasteland to fend for yourself while searching for your dad who left the Vault.

Gameplay: If you have played Oblivion then you will love this game. The engine is about the same. You are free to switch between 1st person and 3rd person. The general objective of this game is to explore the desolate bombed out world at your own pace, have crazy and fun gun fights with the V.A.T.S shooting system (freeze frame targeting). And finally to do quests and reward experence points to level up and gain stronger perks.

Graphics: Very well done graphics. The world is about as barren as you can get but it is sprinkled with well designed cities and villages. Lighting effects were decent, but not the best. Also the aimation is a bit choppy, but not noticable unless you look closely.

Sound: The old music from the 1900's sets a tone for this game, it is very upbeat for a very downbeat setting, balancing it out. Gunshots, voice acting are supurb.

Overall: One of the best RPGs and Videogames of 2008. A must buy for any shooter, rpg, or action fan.