Fallout 3: more fun than a radioactive barrel of monkeys.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 X360
Fallout 3 is the new installment to the fallout universe and is the best in it's series. Though not made by the original company that brought us one and two Bethesda did a amazing and superb job on bring the wasteland back. The story takes place in the wasteland's of capital DC after world war-III when A-bombs leaving an apocalyptic U.S.A. Before the bombs fell though some were lucky and were exempted into a Valteck vault were you can live in a underground shelter for the rest of your life on nice sterile floors with the same 20 to 30 people how fun dose that sound. Well you start out in vault 101 as a baby and quickly you will grow going through the teenage years and the adolescent years untel
when you turn 21 you are woken up abruptly and told that your dad left the vault and like father like son you go after him. once out of the vault the game truly begins with a hole world open for you to explore and I mean explore I've beaten the game and played for so many hours and I keep finding new areas to explore and stories to unravel. Now the main story revolves around finding your father,but there is still a lot of extra stuff to do the world might be a waste land but that doesn't mean that it's void of life. settlement have been set up around the map D.c is still standing in rune of cores and new specie are every were, but most importantly human are like cockroaches you can say because we just don't seem to die, for human settlements are spaced out neatly around the map. The game will have a sort of Oblivion feel to it if you have ever plain Oblivion before, but make no mistake this is no Oblivion this is a Fallout. The game has the main quest but also it has what Bethesda calls miscellaneous quest or side quest they are fun and a great way to earn experience and like Oblivion can be played at any time once you find it, but unlike Oblivion there are only about ten miscellaneous quest which seems justs a little to short though that problem is slowly diminishing with the new D.L.C coming out. there are little side quest that you come across now and then , but it won't appear on you quest screen it's more that you have to pay attention to the words of the person and catch that this could be a quest. the world is huge the story line is great and the side quest are amazing and now the weapons are cool to from a pistole to a lazier rifle the amour and weapons are top notch detail and are so fun the wield. I'm sorry if you think that my review did not go to in depth on the game, but there are some thing that you need to experience on you own to get that wow factor, and if you are going to buy a copy than get a 360 copy of the game or PC because just a side note the PS3 dose not have D.L.C and for some reason not be realizing them any time soon. I hope you enjoy Fallout 3 or at lest enjoyed this review and if not you just wasted precious moments of you life.