Fantastic game with a great amount of replay value. Fallout 3 has a huge open ended world with plenty to do.

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 X360
I'd heard all the talk about this game and decided to give it a try. I'm a big fan of RPGs so I started to like this game right off. I ended up liking it so much that I consider it the best game I've played in years. It has a decent storyline, nothing too different from what I've heard before, but it was told very well. This is one of very few games that I actually thought the voice acting was good. Most game voice actors make me want to bang my head against a wall. The real great part of the game is not the main storyline which is relatively short, but the massive amount of other quests, collectibles, and areas to explore.

The combat system is interesting to say the least. I like the fact that it can be played as an FPS in combat if you want. The VATS system is alright. It's almost necessary in the early parts of the game to conserve ammo, but eventually in the late game when you have tons of ammo to spare there is little need for VATS. The slow motion effect of VATS was really cool the first hundred times I saw it but after that it just takes longer than necessary to kill something. The only thing i still use VATS for is long range shooting and if I'm about to die just to freeze the screen.

The vast open endedness of Fallout 3 is my personal favorite part of the game. There are over 100 separate areas to explore in the game not including all of the places in the world that are not considered marked locations. There are several side quests in the game that are surprisingly lengthy. In addition to that there are great rewards, such as the stat enhancing bobbleheads and skill books, to exploring the huge world of Fallout 3. Another great thing about the game is that there are many ways to complete each quest. In most games there is just a good way or a bad way. In Fallout 3 there is often 4 or 5 different ways to complete a quest.

The biggest problem I had with the game was the perks. Some of them are almost useless. Any that gave skills was unnecessary because there are enough skill books in the game to max out every skill. The entomologist perk let you do 50% more damage to bugs. Sounds great. There are 3 types of bugs in the game. Only radscorpions are common. Radroaches can be killed almost always in one shot by any weapon in the game once you hit level 5 without the perk. Giant ants are only in four or five areas in the game that I can remember. The bloody mess perk makes everything explode in a gory mess. Sounds and looks really cool. But after seeing the animation over 500 times I was sick and tired of it because it made VATS take even longer as you watch them disintigrate.

Overall Fallout 3 is one of the best games out there right now. Notice I had to find some pretty obscure stuff to complain about. I played it through 4 times now. That just shows how great I think the game is.

Perfect score 10/10