Fallout 3 is a masterpiece.
The fallout 3 world is mesmorising, even now 4 years after it's release i am still amazed by the vastness of the world and how much there is to do and explore. You will find many different people on your travels who will offer different quests, you will find different towns and locations and it feels like everything you discover is worth exploring. The world is so real that it makes you feel that people actual did used to live there until the bombs dropped. Like when i went into a random ruined house i went into a room and found a letter that a little girl had wrote hundreds of years ago before the war, little bits of detail like this make fallout 3 the amazing game it is!
Once you actually leave the vault you are free! Free to either go in search of your dad and save the wasteland from the mutants and dirty water.. Or you could go to the nearest town and kill everyone there, or talk to some girl who sends you on a mission to find her some 'nuka-cola quantum'.. there are so many different ways you can play this game, not one persons experience of fallout 3 will be the same as anyone else's.
In this game the currency (money) is bottle-caps (don't know why). And you can use these to buy weapons, aid, food, rooms in a saloon etc. When you kill something or complete a challenge or a mission you gain xp, when you get enough xp you will eventually level up. When you level up you can add 18 points to different attributes like lockpicking, science, barter, speech etc. You can also get a one new perk but be careful which ones you choose because once you reach level 20 you can't level up any further, which means you won't be able to pick every perk. But one of the DLC's allows you to go to level 30 if you purchase it.
Fallout 3 is not a game for children, it is extremely violent and some of the people and quests are messed up. But it's not just that, fallout 3 can get in your head, it is extremely dark and depressing. But that is what makes it such an amazing game. While in combat you can go into V.A.T.S mode which is when you pause time and select which part of the body you want to shoot and it shows the chance you have of hitting that area. Although this does make for some really cool slow-motion kills, it does make the combat a bit to easy.
The best part of Fallout 3 is exploration. The fact you can go anywhere and do whatever you please is what makes fallout 3 one of the best games ever, and Bethesda one of the best game developers ever.
Fallout 3: 9.5/10