Best game ever.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PC
This game is the best game i've ever played.

In the game you can chose to be bad or to be good, by using the "Karma system" Which I think was a great idea to add to the game! By being good people will like you and giving you gifts and be nice to you. But by being bad is the opposite.' People will hate you, you will get bounty hunters if your're karma is to evil. (Which is the same for being good, then you will get Hitmans "Contract Killers" after you.

In the game you can freely do everything you want in it (That is possible) You can do "Side Quests" exploring the world, Finding diffrent kinds of Intressting
settlements and getting randomly getting attacked by Raiders (Bandits) or Supermutans.

@@@Possible Spoliers@@@
In the start of the game you can chose to be a girl or a boy. After that you will chose how you will look when your're getting older. And also what kind of a person you are. After doing quests and getting up in levels, then you will get 18 points that you can add to a skill. There are 13 skills that you can add your 18 points to. And those skills are:

Small Guns
Big Guns
Energy Weapons
Melee Weapons

Ok so enough with the skills.

The Graphics are great in my point of view! Great Details and everything!

Now the bad things about the game is that it might crash for time to time. I don't know if everyone has that problem, but I've got it.

The game also got another cool system called "V.A.T.S." Short for: "Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System" The System will let you chose some specific "Body Parts" to shoot at in slowmation. However, there may be other points available when specifically facing off non-humanoid creatures (e.g. robot combat inhibitors, ant antennae) Although you've only got a little amount of "Points" that you've got to use.

It's to bad that there is no Multiplayer Mode.

Thanks for reading my review I've hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i did writing it! :=)
