It's buggy, especially on the DLCs, but it's still a great experience and a easy Platinum.
*SPOILER* At a certain part, you are captured by the Enclave and invited to talk to the President. He'll tell you to put the FEV in Project Purity and I was like: "His arguments make sense, I wonder if I can join the Enclave." No f***ing way. The least you can do is blow the Brotherhood *SPOILER ENDS*
The other DLCs are pretty cool, but are extremely buggy, especially The Pitt and O: Anchorage. Pure lag coming from a machine that runs GTA IV smoothly.
Choices you make are pretty much black or white, but The Pitt confronts you with some morality rather than just being good or evil. Free the slaves or cure the diseases?
Gameplay is cool, but nothing really great. No iron sights, you may have an Enclave Armor, Bos still greets you and Enclave still attacks you.
Bottom Line: It's cool and time flies with it. I was like "WTF 60 hrs already?", but as soon as you get the Platinum, there is nothing more, except kill everyone. Suggestion: Get the Chinese Stealth Armor, makes you invisible crouched and start pwning with a silenced weapon (Sniper preferable for assassinations; knife's cool too.) If you have a decent PC though get PC version. Mods are time-extenders while you explore the Wasteland