A little buggy, but all in all not too shabby. Good blend of RPG and FPS/TPS elements

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 PC
Personally I hate games that require you to allocate points into attributes (ever since Diablo 2, can never decide what build I want to play with, and if I do I usually decided that I don't like it and usually causes me to go back to the start all over again!), but putting that behind me, the game seems pretty good. Graphics are quite nice, even tho I'm playing it at very low detail because it tends to skip here and there on my PC (probably need a better CPU since my graphics card is near up to date), music seems decent when I hear it from time to time (and I'm not talking about the radio). The one and only big problem that I've seen so far, which was not a major concern to me, was when my brother was playing, he was cheating because he just wanted to see the end after playing 50+ hours. I asked him what was the highest level he could go was (at the time I didn't realize the cap was 20). Not sure what level he went to, but when it was time to allocate points into skills, everything was topped at 100 and he still had points to spend. The game kind of locked out because he had points to spend when he had noting to put it into. This was before the new patch (like version 1.2 or something). All in all, if you would like a blend of RPG and FPS/TPS, give this game a try.