This game is truly one of the best things I have ever played read my review to find out why

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 X360
Fallout 3 is a 1st and 3rd person shooter and strategy as the saying goes there are 2 sides to every story but Fallout 3 has 3 sides to every story the good, the bad and the neutral way causing every quest to have 3 different

Story: You live in Vault 101 one of the only safe hideouts in Washington D.C about 200 years into the future where America is a complete wasteland after been bombed by the Japanese and when you reach 19 your dad runs out of the vault and you have to escape the vault and found out what has happened and why he has left the story is told in 3 different ways you can help people to convince them to get you further in the game, Bribe or threaten them or Just kill them and steal things to find clues this is a true gaming experience

Side Quests: In my opinion the side quests are even better than the story the side quests have everything I could think of Raiders, Cannibals, Run away slaves, Ghouls, Slavers, Mutants, Bombs and a lot more once again 3 sides to every quest all the quests were not as they seem which once again makes the experience more fun

Gameplay: The game is very smooth no lag/ delay or anything like that the voice acting is very good especially since there are hundreds of people to talk to the difficulty is just right if you don't like it you can change it there are hundreds of locations but level 20 isn't a high enough level but if you get Broken Steel dc for 800 microsoft points or game of the year edition it grants you level 30 which is a high level

Overall this game has made me enjoyed 100s of hours no flaws no negative points it's not very often I give games a 10 out of 10 but this is a new fantastic way to game it's completley different to any games in stores now a days only better